Thursday, April 29, 2010


I would like to dwell on a figure and role model from my past. I would like to remember and wish a "Happy Birthday" to my dearly missed brother,
Daniel Lee Gower....
Dan would have been 33 years old on this beautiful and sunny day of 2010.
He left us dramatically and shortly before his 20th Birthday.
Through the years of his childhood and young adult life,
Daniel lived his life to the fullest. He was a talented artist,
gifted student,passionate skateboarder and ferocious warrior.
He excelled in almost everything life challenged him with.He possessed an old soul in a young athletic body. The power source he drew off of was also depleting him.Little did anyone know that this phenomenon was occuring within him.
Our childhood was rocky and dark for many years.
We were blessed with a loving and caring Mother, But not with a stable father figure or even a caring one either.Not tell later did we experience this.
Daniel carried more of these memories and agonizing pain than I did.
I feel he carried this burdon to protect me and to nurture me throughout the years.
He showed and displayed brotherly love that I've never felt again. He taught me the meaning of true friendship and family values.
Daniel chose to live a life of a Vagabond, I can best sum his life up from a qoute from Henry David Thereau:"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have Imagined." His life was lived fast and hard. Wondering the country and seeing and tasting nature on his way.
Only a few knew of the demons that dwelled in his mind. His disease scraped and pulled itself to the surface,allowing him to be confused and terrified of it. He realized that if the door to his disease was left open, not closed and locked ,that the road that layed upon him would be full of agony and remorse. He chose not to be a slave to the system that he challenged so much. Daniel suffered from Schizophrenia ,an illness that made him choose to end his path upon this life.
Worldwide,the liftime prevalance rate of schizophrenia is roughly equivalent for men and women, and is estimated at 0.2% to 1.5% in the general population (as of 1995), which means that the disorder will affect 1% of the population at some point. Life expectancy is slightly less than average, partly due to the higher rate of suicide among people with schizophrenia.
Daniel left impacts on the lives of his parents, siblings,family, and dear friends. I ask all that knew him to remember his life, celebrate his death and birthday. He would not want us to forget him or dwell over him. Dan would want us to live our lives, But live a little for him too.
I'm proud to to have loved him, stood with him in battle,shared his thoughts and loved him. So the next time you see a beautiful flower, a blooming tree, feel the wind around you, and see a sunshiny day, remember that he is there and will always be... Happy Birthday my dear brother. May you have found Peace and Clarity in the Light.......